Just like sedans and crossovers suit different lifestyles and customer uses, battery-electric vehicles are better suited for certain customers and their needs. The best way to understand whether the electric-vehicle lifestyle is right for your customer is to consult with them on their lifestyle, preferences and overall EV readiness.


According to AAA, EV owners drive an average of 39 miles per day.

What does your customer's daily commute look like?

  • It is critical that you understand your customer's daily driving habits, typical destinations and round-trip mileage for their commute
  • Ask questions about your customer's "busiest" day to ensure you've accounted for even their longest driving scenarios

Does your customer frequently go on longer drives — such as road trips?

  • In addition to your customer's daily driving habits, you should also understand other scenarios in which range may be a factor
  • If your customer does like to take longer trips, note that the MX-30 Elite Access Loaner Program may offer the customer the freedom they seek to travel to far-off places from time-to-time
According to J.D. Power, 80% of EV charging is done at home.

Where does your customer live — in an apartment, condo or single- family home?

  • The most convenient way to charge an electric vehicle is at home, so your customer's living situation is a key element of EV readiness
  • Review EV home-charging options (e.g., Level 1 and Level 2) in the context of your customer's unique living situation

Is your customer open to spending time at public charging stations?

  • While electric vehicles are commonly charged at home, knowing that public charging stations are readily available can build confidence in owning an electric vehicle
  • Customers may not be aware of charging stations in their area. Use the ChargePoint app to explore charging stations near their home/office and build value in their convenient locations


Some customers may have concerns or questions about MX-30 EV's range. In such cases, it is important to be prepared to have informed conversations about range that build value in Mazda's approach.

  1. Pair the right customer — During the needs assessment, ensure you're asking the right questions to help identify if MX-30 EV is a good fit. Visit the Ultimate Mazda Experience (UMX) portal for good Needs Assessment questions.
  2. Be honest about limitationsMX-30 EV's range may be shorter, but the smaller battery size comes with significant advantages. Build value in the Mazda-unique design, features, technology and driving experience versus the "battery-on-wheels" approach that some other manufacturers take.
  3. Build confidence in charging infrastructure — With a variety of home and public charging options readily accessible, a shorter range is not a limitation for everyday driving needs.
  4. Explain the MX-30 Elite Access Loaner Program — For customers who enjoy occasional road trips, this special perk can help make MX-30 EV's range less of a concern.


Range is a critical topic for prospective EV buyers, and some may decide that MX-30 EV is not the right fit for them simply due to its range — and that's OK.

  • Don't be discouraged from selling MX-30 EV. Even if MX-30 EV is not the right fit, demonstrating value in MX-30 EV and Mazda's approach to electrification will ensure customers walk away with a deeper appreciation for Mazda
  • Continue to build a relationship with your customer. Other vehicles in the Mazda family (now or in the future) may better support their needs and lifestyle

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